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FAC Overhead ham blanching line
for hams - SA EA 400 PAD

This process guarantees the total disinfection of the pieces.


After the first stage of drying the hams, it is very necessary to make a disinfection for the correct elimination of the different bacteriological agents that have been created on the surface of the ham. For this purpose, we have designed and created this scalding line, in which the hams are completely bathed in oil and melted lard at high temperature and for a very short period of time.

The hams or shoulders are transported by an air conveyor that positions them for proper immersion in the oil or liquid lard at high temperature for a short period of time. The line consists of the following stages. The first stage is where the hams are hung on the overhead line. The second is the area where the piece is completely submerged in a tank with oil at high temperature. The third stage consists of cooling by blowing the oil or lard that has adhered to the ham or shoulder with air (this stage is OPTIONAL). The fourth stage is where the hams are unhung. This can be done manually or automatically. This process guarantees total disinfection of the pieces.

Contact us if you have any questions or need more information. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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