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FAC Automatic flattening press
for hams - PPJ

Superior pressing to reduce the height of the ham mace and at the same time give a more regular height to all the pieces.


At the end of the salting process, the hams are washed and processed through the ham forming machine to recover the initial rounded shape. The hams can also be pressed/flattened from above and this automatic press has been designed to perform this function and can be installed on the same working line. With it, we will achieve a decrease in the height of the ham and at the same time a much more regular shape in the height of all the pieces.

Once the ham is placed on the conveyor belt, it passes to the pressing zone where a pneumatic upper presser descends on the ham, applying pressure during a programmed time, as we consider necessary. The pressing/flattening operation can be done at various stages of the ham process. The most important is after salting, but it can also be done during or after post-salting, before entering the drying chambers.

Contact us if you have any questions or need more information. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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