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Maceration drum with vacuum
for cooked products, hams, shoulders, loins, etc. - B-400, B-600, B-900, B-1500 and B-2000

This system allows, in a short period of time, to achieve the correct distribution and treatment of salt, spices and nitrifiers for their perfect application.

MACERATION DRUM WITH VACUUM MOD. B-400, B-600, B-900, B-1500 and B-2000

The maceration, salting and nitrification of pieces such as hams, shoulders, loins, ribs, among others, is a delicate operation that requires careful treatment. The subsequent development of the product will largely depend on its correct application. This system allows, in a short period of time, to achieve the correct distribution and treatment for a perfect application, considerably reducing the labor and physical effort associated with the manual process.

The gentle massage provided during the process, performed by the internal paddle, facilitates the penetration of salt, spices and nitrifiers, ensuring uniform production. It is also possible to carry out maceration processes for cooked products such as hams, shoulders and loins.

Once the batch of pieces has been weighed, it is placed inside the drum. The precise amount of nitrifying salts, spices or additives is placed inside the drum. The work program is selected with the different options: operating time, use or not of vacuum, and rotation speed of the drum. All this allows us to obtain a series of process alternatives that can be adapted to any production need.

Contact us if you have any questions or need more information. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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