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FAC Ham brushing washer
for fresh and cured hams - LAVAFAC-600

For the correct washing and brushing of the hams after salting.


Washing and brushing hams and shoulders is necessary in some steps of the process. After salting, it is necessary to remove any salt residue left on the surface. If this is not done correctly, the finished product can present problems such as crusting and salt crystals. After the drying phase, the presence of mildew on the surface of the ham is common, and this can be a detriment to its commercial presentation. Sometimes, due attention is not paid to these cleaning operations, which are carried out manually, leading to differences between hams and lots. Our advanced pressurized water washing system with tilting sprayers, brushing and subsequent rinsing, favors the totally uniform elimination of salt or rust on all the pieces, making this work a simple and profitable operation given its large production capacity and the possibility of using the same equipment in two different phases of the process.

Once the ham has been placed on the conveyor belt, it goes to the washing chamber, where a system of sprinklers adapted to the surface of the ham injects water under pressure, causing the salt to be washed away, which is collected in a lower tank. The washing water is collected in the washing circuit, providing significant economical savings. The ham is then brushed on both the upper and lower sides and, then goes to the rinsing area with water from the mains. The ham comes out of the machine ready to be hunged.

Contact us if you have any questions or need more information. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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