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Ham desalting and washing line with low water consumption
for hams and shoulders - DSA-17SA and MINICON

With this washing line, a perfect result is obtained in cleaning the hams, in addition to reducing the waste of external salt and energy consumption.


After salting the hams, it is necessary to wash them with water to remove any traces of salt from their surface. Currently, this generates a high uncontrolled consumption of water, which is discarded with a high amount of salt, causing pollution problems and high purification costs, in addition to the elimination of the waste generated. Our desalination and washing line is made up of two machines connected online: the DSA-17-SA desalination plant, which recovers dry salt by blowing high-pressure air, and the MINICON washing machine, which uses clean water without recirculating, consuming less than 1.5 liters of water for each ham or shoulder.

With this efficient line we achieve:

  • 80% reduction of external salt waste in the washing process.
  • Significant reduction in energy consumption.
  • Perfect result in cleaning hams.
  • Great contribution to the preservation of the environment.

The ham is placed on a special stainless steel chain that transports it into the desalination machine. The action of the high-pressure air that comes out of the nozzles sweeps the grains of salt from the surface of the ham. The salt is collected in the lower hopper of the machine and recovered through an endless tube. Next, the hams go to the washing machine, where a sprinkler system shoots pressurized water, allowing the necessary water consumption to be controlled and achieving a consumption of less than 1.5 liters per piece. This water is channeled to the machine drain. The ham comes out of the washing machine perfectly clean and ready to be hung.

Contact us if you have any questions or need more information. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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