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FAC Continuous nitrifying drum
for hams and shoulders - NB-600

Our continuous system allows an exact dosing of the nitrifying agent, as well as an equal rubbing of each piece.


The importance of a correct dosage and application of the nitrifying agent to hams and shoulders is essential to achieve a product of constant quality. This operation, traditionally carried out manually, implies a great waste of time and labor. The design of our continuous system allows an exact dosing of the nitrifying agent, as well as and equal rubbing of each piece, assuring that all of them receive an identical treatment, achieving uniformity in the whole batch and minimizing the time and labor used in this phase.

Once the ham is placed on the conveyor belt, a photocell detects it and the dosing device incorporates the required amount of nitrifying agent on the piece as it enters the drum. Once inside, thanks to the design of the blades and the rotating movement of the drum, the hams are rotated over themselves gently rubbing against the internal wall and avoiding bumps between them while the nitrifying agent is uniformly distributed over the entire surface.

Contact us if you have any questions or need more information. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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